
About Valentine’s Day Jitters

Love is so complicated.

Everyone’s favorite teacher has the jitters again! Sarah Jane Hartwell is determined to host the perfect Valentine’s Day party to show her students how much she cares. But no matter how hard she tries, nothing goes according to plan. From pin-the-smile-on-the-teacher to crafts with glitter, glue, ribbons, and lace, the class quickly devolves into chaos. Mrs. Hartwell feels like the event is a disaster, but the students have a great time! Not only do they already know that she cares, it turns out they care a lot about her as well.

Check out a funny interview with Julie about the book and what inspired her to write it.
Welcome Author Julie Danneberg – Giveaway Alert – Laura Roettiger Books

Jitters Classroom Activity Kit from Charlesbridge Publishing – jitters-series-activity-kit.pdf (

To get a signed copy of First Day Jitters – Valentine’s Day Jitters (Signed Copy) – The Wandering Jellyfish Bookshop (

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